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Are you a rented tenant

Are you a rented tenant? If yes this post is for you, if not then this may be information you can pass to a friend or family member.

As a tenant you will have a tenancy agreement, in this document it will set out the rules of your tenancy and what you are responsible for in and around your home.

This is where Timber Tree Services can help, in this blog we hope to give you the understanding of your tenancy in terms of your legal obligations to you gardens hedges and trees.

Tree surgeon, Tree works , Tree felling , Hedges, gardens , grass cutting services Lytham , Blackpool , Kirkham, Preston
Timber Tree Services

Tree works can be complex to undertake due to the liability and skills required to undertake the works, primarily tree works and hedge works are undertaken by working at hight using ropes, harness, ladders and or working platforms and as a result of this tree surgeons are required to operate to strict HSE health regulations.

What does this mean for you?

We at Timber Tree Services often get called out to residential rented properties for quotes for tree and hedge works and as we have already discussed tree works can be complex and way beyond the skills of rented tenants.

In terms of your tenancy you are only legally responsible for managing your grass areas and garden areas with trees & hedges keeping them neat and tidy at an accessible manageable hight. This means that if you the tenant has to leave the ground to conduct any work on your hedge or garden then this would be deemed unreasonable in terms of your tenancy agreement and would put you at risk under the the working at hight regulations and thus fall on the responsibility of your landlord.

How Timber Tree Services can help.

We can help by providing you with a direct quote to your landlord and liaise with them to help get the works completed in a safe and professional manner, as we have vast experience working with landlords and housing associations around Lytham, Blackpool, Kirkham, Preston and the Northwest helping landlords meet there legal obligations.

We are here to help so why not give us a call or pass our details to a friend or family member that may be having an issues with their trees and hedges.

Call 01253836689

Call 07487832137

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